• CSI helps you utilize a state requirement to implement a real facilities assessment to identify: high needs maintenance, routine maintenance, deferred maintenance planning, long term facilities replacement planning for your district, rather than just filing your FIT on a shelf.
  • CSI provides an independent facilities review for all schools, helping your district provide a high quality learning environment to all students.
  • CSI takes photos of all conditions noted as deficient or extremely deficient. CSI will put together a PowerPoint presentation for each school with a slide for each area with a noted deficiency (this is a great tool for administrative and LCAP meetings to show the districts facility needs).
  • CSI provides the district with digital copies of the PowerPoints and FIT worksheets as well as hard copies of both in a binder for each school site inspected.
  • CSI uses the OPSC FIT to do your annual facility inspections for compliance with the Williams Act, AB 607 and SB 550.
  • CSI has NRPA trained and certified CPSI’s that also provide independent third party playground safety inspections and audits.
  • CSI offers these services at a fraction of district costs.



Williams Act/FIT Inspections

Playground Audits

Playground Safety Inspections

Future Services



Williams Act Settlement
The Williams Act requires that every classroom in every school be inspected.
AB 607
Establishes statewide minimum "good repair" standards for school facilities and directs the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) to develop "a school facility inspection and evaluation instrument" to replace the Interim Evaluation Instrument. The OPSC is required to develop the new instrument and instructions for users by January 1, 2007. The instrument will include a system that will evaluate each facility on a good/fair/poor scale and provide an overall summary of the condition of facilities at each school on a scale of exemplary, good, fair or poor. The OPSC is required to define objective criteria for determining where a school falls on this summary scale by July 1, 2007." (AB 607, §4; EC 17002(d).)
SB 550
provides the following definitions for the term "good repair" "Good repair" means the facility is maintained in a manner that assures that it is clean, safe, and functional as determined pursuant to an interim evaluation instrument developed by the Office of Public School Construction. The instrument shall not require capital enhancements beyond the standards to which the facility was designed and constructed.
Education Code
In 2007, the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC), with the assistance of stakeholders, developed the Facility Inspection Tool (FIT) to replace the Interim Evaluation Instrument (IEI), which was adopted in response to the Williams Lawsuit settlement agreement reached in 2004. The FIT is a significant document for school facility professionals because it establishes a permanent and objective tool to evaluate the condition of school facilities, and all public school districts and county offices of education in California must use the FIT to determine if their school facilities are in “good repair” as defined in Education Code Section 17002(d) (1). Facility inspections are required annually for all district schools and the findings must be reported in the School Accountability Report Card (SARC)in the school facility section- Education Code (EC) 33126(b). In 2009 the State Allocation Board adopted a revised FIT that will more accurately align the evaluation results with realistic expectations of what constitutes good, fair or poor facility conditions.
California Playground Regulations


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(916) 960-7270

5355 Brentford Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762